Shear spectacle: The Napa County Pruning Contest

napa-unpruned-vinesThe winter sun is shining brightly for the finals of the Napa County Pruning Contest, the annual rite that pits the valley’s best vineyard workers against each other in a contest of skill and speed.

Eyes narrowed, lips fixed in firm lines, the finalists work their way down the rows with mathematical precision, snipping the overgrown vines at just the right spot and tearing away the dead canes in one fluid movement.

They’re the best-of-the-best, the workers who’ve been chosen to represent their wineries and management companies, and they’re ready to fight hard for cash prizes, championship buckles and, not least important, bragging rights.

Women in the Vineyards

This year, for the third year in a row, some of the workers out to prove who’s the best person at the job are women.

Click here to read the rest of this story, published on the Nomacorc blog.